Coffee Statistics, Consumer Trends, & Key Takeaways [2024]

Coffee is the third most consumed beverage in the world. Here, we examine the comprehensive statistics behind coffee and its economic, ecological, & future implications.

April 10, 2024
Coffee Statistics, Consumer Trends, & Key Takeaways [2024]

From the United States to Japan to the UK and back — nearly every country enjoys the warm buzz of the coffee bean. With coffee's ubiquity, it's easy to take it for granted, but it remains a major ecological and economic force around the globe.

Every commodity we consume has to go through a rigorous process of planning, farming, production, packaging, and distribution to make it into our homes. 

In this article, we’ll cover some of the intricacies and key factors of the coffee plant and the global industry it supports, including:

  • Coffee consumption statistics
  • Coffee production statistics
  • Coffee economic statistics
  • The most popular forms of coffee
  • Emerging trends in coffee

Let’s dig into everyone’s favorite stimulant, starting with some key findings:

Coffee Stats: Key Takeaways & Figures

Here’s a high-level overview of coffee consumption and production:

  • The US consumes 1.62 billion pounds of coffee every year across a population of 340 million, averaging 3.8 lbs of coffee for every person in the country per year.
  • Luxembourg consumes the most coffee per capita, but the US drinks the most overall.
  • 65% of Americans drink coffee daily, compared to just 55% who consume bottled water.
  • Coffee is more popular per capita in Canada than in the United States.
  • In Japan, coffee shops often pride themselves on innovative brewing methods and expert-level latte art, but instant coffee is also very popular.
  • In the United Kingdom, 80% of homes have instant coffee in their cupboards.
  • South America produced 4 million tonnes of coffee in 2023, making it the largest producer by region.
  • China has the highest yield of coffee per hectare in the world.
  • Consumer interest in gourmet coffee and sustainable packaging is on the rise.
  • The number one contributor to coffee's ecological footprint is food waste, leading some to consider ways to convert spent coffee grounds into biofuel.

How Much Coffee Is the World Drinking?

There are several ways to measure coffee consumption, but the top ten countries when it comes to straight-up coffee consumption are [1,2]:



Pounds of Coffee in 2020–21*

Population of Country (2023)


The United States

1.6 billion

340 million



1.3 billion

216 million



443 million

123 million



300 million

276 million



281 million

145 million



241 million

39 million



228 million

123 million



199 million

116 million



162 million

99 million


South Korea

151 million

52 million

*Converted from the original measurement of 1000s of 60lb bags

America and Brazil — the latter also being major producers of coffee beans — are no surprise at the #1 and #2 spots. These two countries have large populations of coffee lovers who celebrate the energizing bean and have adopted rich customs and cultures around its consumption.

Looking at the discrepancies between populations on this list, it’s no surprise that there’s more to this data than meets the eye. Canada, for example, is #6 when it comes to total consumption despite having roughly 1/10th of the population of the United States.

Similarly, Brazil’s population is ~36% lower than the United States, yet coffee consumption is just ~17% lower. Taking this into account, several countries with far smaller populations still consume quite a bit of coffee, even if they don’t make the top ten for the total amount.

What Countries Drink The Most Coffee (Per Capita)?

The data on this metric is iffy because there are a lot of considerations along this route, and the data is unclear and inconsistent. 

According to a 2021 survey, these countries drink the most coffee per person per year [1,2]:


Pounds of Coffee Per Person

Total Population (2023)



655 thousand



521 thousand



5.35 million



2.72 million



936 thousand



1.32 million



226 thousand



411 thousand



704 thousand



7.63 million

These countries all have relatively small populations but drink lots of coffee. One problem, however, is how much easier it is for a small population to raise the amount of coffee per person as compared to a larger one.

Coffee Consumption By Region

While nearly every country consumes coffee, they often do so in very different ways. Here’s a breakdown of coffee consumption trends in America, Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom

How Much Coffee Does America Drink?

65% of Americans drink coffee daily [3] — that’s 10% more than those who consume bottled water. 

If you're from America, this likely doesn't come as a surprise, considering the numerous coffee shops in cities nationwide and the massive coffee-drinking culture.

Coffee culture permeates the entire nation, and there's hardly a city in the country where there aren't at least five coffee shops to choose from. Additionally, many offices and homes keep coffee stocked — ensuring the public stays sufficiently caffeinated every single day.

By region, more Americans drink coffee in the Northeast than anywhere else, ranging between 61–67% of people who drink coffee daily. It might seem surprising for the top region not to be the Pacific (where Starbucks originated), but many Northeastern states have Starbucks and the Canadian coffee giant Tim Horton's. Pair that with the cold weather, and you've got a perfect storm for supercharging coffee sales. 

All age groups enjoy coffee, and while just 47% of people 18-24 drink coffee, 66–69% of all older groups partake.

How Much Coffee Does Canada Drink?

Coffee is far more popular in Canada (per capita) than in America, perhaps owing to the more affordable (compared to Starbucks) Tim Hortons national coffee chain. With nearly 3,600 locations, Tim Horton’s is the largest fast food chain in Canada — surpassing Subway (2,900), Starbucks (1,450), and McDonald’s (1,350) [4].

A 2023 report from the Coffee Association of Canada found that 71% of Canadians drink coffee every single day [5]. That's 6% more than the people in the United States but represents a slight decrease from 2022, where 73% reported the same. 

Notably, 2022 was the highest level since 2017, so it's nonetheless impressive. And, while traditional drip coffee is the typical go-to choice for Canadians, flavored and specialty coffee appear to be on the rise.

20% of Canadian coffee drinkers in 2023 reported ordering at least one specialty drink in the past week. In the summer months (when the survey took place), nearly ¼ of Canadians 18–24 drink cold brew coffee.

Coffee consumption in Canada has grown by over 19% in the ten years between 2013–23 [6].

How Much Coffee Does the UK Drink?

While most people associate the United Kingdom with tea, coffee is still an important part of the United Kingdom’s economy. However, much of the coffee consumption looks different from that of the United States.

80% of homes still buy instant coffee, and the country consumes 98 million cups of coffee daily [7]. Only 16% of people in the UK visit coffee shops daily, and 80% of those who go to coffee shops do so at least once per week.

While gourmet-style shops aren’t as popular here, people still love the quick buzz of coffee. 

Only 23% of respondents to a 2022 survey reported that they didn't consume coffee at all, and 24% of the population drinks at least a cup a day [8]. 

While instant coffee is more common than other brew methods, there is still a love for the bean across the pond.

How Much Coffee Does Japan Drink?

Japan consumes the third-highest amount of coffee in the world and has a total market value of just under $34 million (USD) [9]. Market forecasts project this number to grow to over $45 million by 2030, and Japanese coffee shops often use innovative brewing methods and roasting techniques for a consumer base that values high quality.

Japan elevates the art form of coffee more than most other countries in this way, though this isn't the only way Japanese people consume coffee. Like the United Kingdom, a large portion of Japan's coffee market also involves instant coffee, showing a market for all preferences. 

Whole-grain coffee makes up the largest percentage of sales by far. Instant coffee is a close second, and pre-ground coffee is in third place. Ground coffee is more common for simple home brewing methods like a drip coffee maker, but whole bean coffee will give a fresher flavor, making it a better choice for picky consumers.

The market is wide-ranging but most significant at either end of the spectrum — whole grain coffee for aficionados and instant coffee for when you need a quick caffeine buzz. Either way you slice it, though, Japan loves coffee.

Who Produces the Most Coffee?

Coffee is a global product, but most people associate it with African and South American countries like Ethiopia or Brazil. Interestingly, Asia produces more coffee than Africa, and America's numbers are remarkably similar to Africa's.

Here's where the major regions of the world stand on coffee production compared to 2000 and 1980, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [10]:


Coffee Production (2023)

Coffee Production (2000)

Coffee Production (1980)

South America

4m tons

2.87m tons

2m tons


3.36m tons

1.95m tons

633k tons


1.35m tons

1.28m tons

1.15m tons

North America

1.16m tons

1.32m tons

958k tons

Oceana (Australia, New Zealand, and nearby island nations)

42.6k tons

83k tons

55.7k tons

Most people would associate Asian coffee production with Vietnam since a large amount of their coffee makes its way to the United States. However, China holds the title for the highest yield of coffee beans per hectare in the world.

In 2021, some of the top coffee bean yields fell in the following countries (in tonnes per hectare) [11]:

  • China — 3.25
  • Vietnam — 2.82
  • Malaysia — 2.76
  • Malawi — 2.15
  • Laos — 1.93
  • Brazil — 1.63 
  • Ghana — 1.6 
  • Tonga — 1.5
  • Sierra Leone — 1.48
  • Nigeria— 1.3

Asian countries hold the top three spots when it comes to this figure, and China produces double the amount of coffee per hectare as Brazil. 

As with any product, numbers fluctuate annually as farmers and exporters adjust production. One thing is for sure, though: South America has led the world in coffee production for decades.

How Much Money Does the World Spend on Coffee?

Over half of all Americans purchase coffee from a coffee shop once a week [12], with 12% spending $31–$40 each month. Since so many people drink coffee every day, the majority of 

Americans seem to do so from home, with 31% spending $11–20 per month on their caffeine needs.

In 2022, the coffee industry in America reported a 52.4% increase in its economic impact since the previous survey in 2015, rising to $343.2 billion [13]. That number includes $110 billion from consumers alone, resulting in 2.2 million jobs and $100 billion in wages.

Globally, coffee brought in $127 billion (USD) in 2022 [14], splitting the market share among the following regions:

  1. Europe — 35.58%, or $45.2 billion
  2. North America — 23.24%, or $29.5 billion
  3. Asia-Pacific — 17.65%, or $22.4  billion
  4. Middle East and Africa — 13.33%, or $16.9  billion
  5. South America — 10.20%, or $13  billion

As the coffee industry grows, so do the areas it impacts — coffee shops, manufacturing/packaging plants, wholesale distribution, and others all create jobs and add to the economic value coffee brings.

Most Popular Types Of Coffee

Coffee drinkers are flocking to espresso-based beverages, with consumption of cappuccinos, lattes, and flat whites up by a staggering 50% since 2015 [3]. The strong popularity these beverages have with 25-39-year-olds is likely the largest contributing factor to its growth.

Whether they will continue to appreciate more of the subtleties and potential that coffee has to offer as they reach higher ages has yet to be seen. Still, as the trend continues, producers are likely to increase the quality and value of their offerings to account for this shift (or risk losing out on the market share).

During the pandemic, a lot of people had the chance to acquaint themselves with different ways to make delicious coffee in their own homes. They may come to expect more out of a coffee shop as the quality of coffee at home continues to rise.

Emerging Trends In Coffee

Here are some of the key trends emerging in the coffee market right now:

The Public is Excited About Specialty Drinks & Flavorings:

In the 2023 trends report from the National Coffee Association (NCA), 61% of Americans consumed traditional coffee in the last week, and 52% ordered a specialty drink [3]. Lattes, espressos, and cappuccinos were the most popular specialty coffees, tied at 16% of consumers, with 85% choosing hot over iced.

Medium sizes were most popular at 52%, with just 12% of Americans opting for a large, and 32% of consumers added a flavoring to their coffee.

The most popular choices for added syrups were:

  1. Vanilla
  2. Mocha
  3. Caramel/butterscotch and hazelnut (tied)
  4. Irish cream and pumpkin spice (tied)
  5. Almond and maple pecan (tied)

Some of these flavorings — like pumpkin spice and maple pecan — tend to focus more on seasonal offerings. It’s hard to beat vanilla or mocha’s timeless relevance, however, and businesses would be smart to invest more in higher-quality offerings for these flavors.

Gourmet Coffee Markets Are On The Rise

In 2020, 49% of Americans drank gourmet coffee beverages, outranking all other choices by at least 12% — and traditional coffee by 31% [15]. People have come to expect more from their cups as the prices have continued to rise.

With the availability of the French Press, Chemex, pour-over, and other at-home brewing techniques, it’s so easy to make a delicious cup of coffee at home. This means that if people are venturing out to spend money at a coffee shop specializing in the beverage, they’re anticipating it to taste better than what they can make at home.

Coffee shops have been stepping up their game for years to compete with the major players, but even Starbucks has begun offering pour-overs, cold brews, and other gourmet brews. 

Consumer Interest In Sustainability For Coffee Brands Soars

CO2 equivalents are measured in the number of kilograms of CO2 that are released into the air per 1 kg of food.

Coffee’s impact on the environment is rather substantial, and a large amount of it is wasted coffee. In 2018, “losses” resulted in 11.47kg of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere — the largest percentage of the 29kg in total ascribed to the industry [16].

This puts coffee just above shrimp farming (27kg) and below dairy farming (33kg) and breaks down to:

As food waste continues to be an increasing problem, some countries are stepping up to try and address it.

The UK. Is Leading The Way on Sustainability in Coffee:

The same year as the data above was collected, the British Coffee Association (BCA) set out to change how it handled coffee’s ecological footprint. In the “Bean To Bin and Beyond” whitepaper, they outline several initiatives already underway and in the planning stages to lead to zero-waste packaging by 2025 [17].

But packaging is just part of the story; the biggest problem is losses, which the BCA suggests represents a "circular" opportunity. In the future, it may be possible to collect wasted coffee grounds and recycle them into biofuel to power cities. 

In doing so, old coffee could fuel the production of new coffee (and perhaps beyond” to create an economy devoid of waste.

Unfortunately, this is still mostly theoretical, and we're likely a long way from being able to implement anything as revolutionary as this. Still, the UK is positioning itself to be the forerunner in innovations in this arena.

Coffee Statistics in the United States

In the United States, coffee consumption has been growing for years, and in 2023 and 2024, Americans consumed 27.3 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee [18]. While the average person drinks around 3 cups per day [19].

What State Drinks the Most Coffee?

Certain cities like Seattle and San Francisco are famous for their coffee culture but a recent survey still puts States in the Mid-West and Mid-Atlantic at the top of coffee consumption, with Michigan, West Virginia, and Delaware top the lists of most cups per day, on average [20].

American Men vs. Women

According to a 2016 study, women drink more coffee than men, and people over 60 years old drink significantly more coffee than other age groups [21].

Coffee Prices in the United States

Coffee prices change often and are on the rise! The average cup of coffee costs $3.77 in 2024 in the United States [22]. If you like to grab coffee in a cafe, the best spots are Colorado, Oregon, and California, which have the highest number of coffee shops per capita [23].

What Brewing Methods do Americans Prefer?

Never before have unique preparation methods been so popular, and Americans prepare coffee in the following ways: [24]

The Future of Coffee in the USA

Coffee consumption has been on the rise for years, and as households around the world access more income and the population ages, coffee consumption will continue to rise. 

The way coffee is consumed is also changing, with fewer people drinking black coffee and alternative milks like oat and almond becoming a growing trend.

Underneath It All: Everyone Is Drinking More Coffee

COVID-19 left an undeniable mark on coffee shops, but things seem to be rebounding — and at-home coffee sales have maintained a high level. In the NCA’s 2023 trends report, 91% of people who drank coffee in the last week paid for it at least once [3].

37% of the same population bought their coffee at least four times per week. With most Americans (69%) still using a traditional drip or single-cup coffee maker, it makes sense that they’d step out for something with a little extra care.

Just because it doesn't contribute as highly to the net revenue of the coffee industry doesn't mean the drip coffee maker isn't important, however. Every day, Americans are finding their energy in the warm, dark embrace of coffee — that's something that isn't going away any time soon.


  1. Coffee Consumption by Country 2024. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2024, from
  2. World Population by Country 2024 (Live). (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2024, from
  3. National Coffee Data Trends Report. (n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2024, from
  4. 10 Largest food chains in Canada in 2024. (n.d.). ScrapeHero. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
  5. Coffee Facts—Coffee Association of Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2024, from
  6. Coffee consumption Canada 2023. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved February 13, 2024, from
  7. Brown, T. (2021, October 26). Coffee Consumption. British Coffee Association.
  8. UK: Coffee consumption frequency 2022. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved February 19, 2024, from
  9. Research, S. M. (n.d.). Stellar Market Research. Stellar Market Research. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
  10. Coffee bean production. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved February 13, 2024, from
  11. Coffee bean yields. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved February 13, 2024, from
  12. 2024 Coffee Statistics: Consumption, Preferences, & Spending. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2024, from
  13. The Economic Impact of the Coffee Industry. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2024, from
  14. Coffee Market—Companies, Size, Share & Research Analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
  15. Share of US gourmet coffee beverage consumption by type 2020. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved February 21, 2024, from
  16. Food: Greenhouse gas emissions across the supply chain. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved February 13, 2024, from
  17. Brown, T. (2021, September 15). BCA’s Bean to Bin and Beyond—Circular Economy Review Published. British Coffee Association.