The Rok espresso maker is a manual espresso machine. Unlike traditional espresso machines, the Rok is compact and doesn't require electricity for brewing. It works by forcing pressurized hot water through a coffee-filled portafilter using a lever mechanism.
In this brew guide, you'll learn how to make espresso coffee using the Rok and a few different beverages you can make using the shot.
Rok Espresso Maker Brewing Specs
- Brew Time: 5–10 minutes
- Coffee/Water Ratio: 1:2
- Grind: Fine (Similar to sand or table salt)
- Water Temperature: 200°F (93°C)
- Recommended Coffee: Cafely DaLat (100% Arabica)
Rok Espresso Maker Brewing Summary
- Boil a kettle of water.
- Measure and finely grind the coffee.
- Preheat the Rok espresso maker.
- Pack the portafilter and lock it into the brewer.
- Brew the espresso by lifting and lowering the levers.
- Evaluate the quality of the shot.
- Enjoy your espresso.
What You Need to Brew Coffee With a Rok Espresso Maker

You don't need much in the way of equipment and ingredients to brew great-tasting coffee with the Rok espresso maker. It's this simplicity that attracts people to this coffee maker.
Here's what you'll need to brew coffee with the Rok:
Tools Needed
- Rok Espresso Maker — The Rok espresso maker comes in one size and is capable of brewing one double shot at one time.
- Kettle — You'll need a kettle or pan to boil water to use in the Rok.
- Coffee Grinder — A burr grinder is the best option for creating the consistent fine grind size needed to brew espresso.
- Coffee Measuring Spoon — A coffee measuring spoon helps accurately measure ground coffee, providing consistent results every time.
- Coffee Cup — Usually, espresso is served in demitasse cups. However, it's easier to use a small to medium-sized coffee mug for brewing with the Rok.
- Whole-Bean Coffee — A high-quality, whole-bean arabica coffee is best for making espresso with a Rok.
- Water — Use fresh, filtered water for making coffee with the Rok espresso maker.
Coffee Recommendations: Rok Espresso Maker
The best coffee to use in the Rok espresso maker is high-quality arabica coffee beans. A 100% arabica, such as our DaLat coffee, will produce a smooth, rich, dark espresso with a creamy, caramel-colored crema.
Opt for whole-bean coffee over pre-ground. Grinding beans fresh will produce a higher quality brew with coffee shop qualities.
Well-balanced robusta and arabica blends such as Saigon OG may also be used in the Rok espresso maker. Although blends won't produce “traditional” espresso flavors, they will produce a slightly darker, richer brew with a strong caffeine hit.
Step-by-Step Instructions for the Rok Espresso Maker
Using the Rok espresso maker is easy. In a few simple steps, you can make barista-style coffee from the comfort of your home.
Here's how to brew espresso using the Rok:
1. Boil a Kettle of Water
First, boil a kettle of fresh, filtered water. You won't need much for the actual extraction but you will need some extra for pre-heating, so boil at least two cups.
2. Measure and Grind the Coffee
Weigh out around 15 grams of whole-bean arabica coffee using a scale or measuring cup. Grind the coffee to a fine consistency using a burr grinder. The coffee Should have a similar consistency to sand or table salt.
3. Prepare the Rok Espresso Maker
Next, you need to preheat the Rok. Lock in the portafilter and place your cup underneath. This step is extremely important because if too much heat is lost during brewing it will negatively impact the taste of the final shot.
Fill the brew chamber to the top with hot water. Slowly lift up the levers to allow the water to pass through the portafilter into the cup below. Then, press the levers down to drain the remaining water.
Repeat this step two to three times and discard the water from the cup.
4. Pack the Portafilter
Dry your portafilter and fill it with your grounds. Tamp them evenly, creating a level puck that's not too compact, loose, or with visible channels.
5. Brew the Espresso
Make sure the levers are in the down position. Lock the portafilter into the Rok from right to left. Place the cup underneath and fill the brew chamber with hot water to the fill line.
The Rok can only brew double shots. If you want to produce two single shots, use the flow divider and place two cups below the portafilter.
Slowly lift up the levers to the top position — this will begin pre-infusing the coffee with water. Press down the levers gently until you feel some resistance, and wait for 10 to 15 seconds.
After 10 to 15 seconds, lift the levers up and slowly press them down to the bottom — this will take around 20 seconds. Lift the levers up and press down once more.
6. Evaluate Your Espresso
Evaluate the quality of your shot. It should look dark and rich and have a light caramel-colored crema on top. The shot shouldn't taste sour, stale, or overly bitter. If it does, make sure your coffee is fresh, the grind size is correct, and the grounds are evenly packed in the portafilter.
Once you're happy with your shot, enjoy it black (without milk) or use it to make an espresso-based beverage such as a latte…
What Coffee Can You Brew With a Rok Espresso Maker?

You can make most espresso-based beverages with the Rok. Lattes, mochas, and iced coffees are all possible with this coffee maker. However, some brews that require steamed milk may not have the exact same texture without a steam wand.
Here are three different beverages you can make with your Rok espresso maker:
1. Americano
The Americano is an espresso coffee that has been diluted. It has a similar flavor to drip coffee or pour-over brews but has a thinner body.
To make an Americano from espresso you've brewed with the Rok, simply pour a single or double shot into an eight-ounce (240 mL) coffee mug and dilute it with hot water.
The amount of water you add will affect the characteristics of the cup. If you prefer a weaker coffee, add more water for a weaker, thinner brew. If you prefer strong coffee, add less water and more espresso.
2. Latte
The latte is perhaps one of the most popular espresso-based drinks in the world. This brew combines espresso and steamed milk with a light foam. To make a latte using the Rok espresso maker you’ll need coffee, water, and milk.
Here’s how to make a latte with the Rok:
- Brew a shot of espresso using your Rok espresso maker.
- Heat your milk gradually in a pan.
- Once the milk is warm, remove it from the heat and froth with a milk frother or fine whisk until a smooth velvety texture is achieved.
- Pour the espresso into a large coffee mug.
- Slowly add the milk, holding back the foam with a spoon. Pour the milk into the coffee in a circular motion so the two elements combine well. Once poured, top the brew with the milk foam.
3. Iced Coffee
Making iced coffee with the Rok espresso maker is easy. The strong, dark, concentrated shot this brewer creates pairs perfectly with sweetened milk. You only need a handful of ingredients to make iced coffee with the Rok — coffee, water, iced, milk, and sugar.
Here’s how to make it:
- Brew a shot of espresso using the Rok espresso maker.
- Allow the shot to cool to room temperature. If you’re in a rush, add an ice cube to the coffee to speed up the process.
- In a glass, add ice followed by the espresso shot.
- Fill the rest of the glass with whole milk or a dairy-free alternative.
- Stir in sugar or syrup or enjoy unsweetened.
4. Mocha Coffee
Mocha coffee combines chocolate, coffee, and milk to produce a luxuriously smooth and creamy brew. This beverage is perfect for both chocolate and coffee lovers, and it’s easy to make with the Rok espresso maker.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Coffee
- Milk
- Dark chocolate or cocoa powder
- Whipped cream (optional)
- Sugar (optional)
Here’s how to make mocha coffee with the Rok:
- Brew a shot of coffee using your Rok espresso maker.
- Heat around 200 mL of milk in a pan, taking care not to boil it.
- In a small bowl, combine chocolate or cocoa powder with a small amount of hot water. Stir to create a chocolate syrup.
- Add the milk to the chocolate and froth using a fine whisk or milk frother until light and velvety.
- Pour the espresso into a large coffee cup, followed by the chocolate milk. Add sugar if desired and stir gently.
- Top with a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate shavings (optional), and enjoy while warm.
Tips for Brewing Coffee with a Rok Espresso Maker
Although the Rok espresso maker is relatively user-friendly, there are some things you should keep in mind if you want to craft the perfect cup time after time.
Follow these tips when using your Rok:
1. Preheat the Rok Espresso Maker
As mentioned in the brew guide, make sure to preheat the Rok before brewing a shot of espresso. This is an essential step in the brewing process that cannot be overlooked.
Unlike regular espresso machines that rely on efficient heating elements and high pressure to brew the shot, the Rok is manual. Without preheating, the pre-boiled water added during extraction will quickly cool in contact with the cold aluminum.
If the water temperature drops below 200°F (93°C), it will significantly affect the quality of the shot. Preheating ensures the temperature stays more stable during the entirety of the extraction process, producing a higher quality shot more comparable to one made with a traditional espresso machine.
Spend more time on preheating the Rok than actually brewing. Flush hot water through the system at least two to three times — the more, the better.
2. Select High-Quality Coffee Beans
Coffee is the most essential ingredient in making good espresso with the Rok. You can use pre-ground coffee in this brewer, but the resulting shot will be inferior compared to one made with freshly ground whole-bean coffee.
Opt for a high-quality whole-bean arabica or blend and grind it just before brewing. Make sure the coffee was roasted and packaged as recently as possible — any artisan coffee company will stamp this information on the packaging.
3. Grind Your Coffee Properly
The Rok requires a fine grind similar in consistency to sand, table salt, or granulated sugar. Using a burr grinder is the best way to achieve a consistent grind size.
Creating a consistent texture is essential if you want to brew great espresso with the Rok. Practice creating the perfect grind, and never settle for grounds that are too coarse or too fine.
Coffee that's ground too coarse results in an under-extracted brew. Coffee that's ground to fine results in an over-extracted brew.
4. Practice Packing The Portafilter
The way you fill and tamp the grounds in the portafilter significantly affects the extraction. Practice weighing out the correct amount of coffee and filling the portafilter.
The grounds must be tamped evenly with consistent pressure. Over-tamped grounds result in over-extraction, and under-tamped grounds result in under-extraction.
It can take time to perfect this process. Experiment with different pressures until you find the “Goldilocks zone” and produce a perfectly balanced, evenly extracted espresso.
It can take some time to develop a technique that produces consistent results with the Rok, so don't get disheartened if your first few shots are sub-par.
FAQs: The Rok Espresso Maker
Want to learn more about the Rok Espresso maker?
Read the answers to the FAQs below:
1. What is a Rok Espresso Maker?

The Rok espresso maker is essentially a manual coffee machine that can make shots of espresso without the need for electricity. It utilizes a mechanical press that's operated by two hand-pulled levers to force hot, pressurized water through finely ground coffee.
2. What is Espresso Coffee?
Espresso coffee is a strong, concentrated brew usually made with arabica beans. It's brewed by forcing hot, pressurized water through finely ground coffee with the use of an espresso maker. You can make a similar shot of coffee by using the Rok espresso maker, moka pot, or Aeropress brewer.
3. How Much Caffeine is in a Cup of Espresso?
The average single shot of espresso coffee contains between 63 mg to 80 mg of caffeine. A double shot contains somewhere between 80 mg and 160 mg of caffeine. If robusta coffee is used, these figures can be almost double, with a single shot of robusta espresso containing a staggering 160 mg of caffeine.
4. What Types of Coffee Can You Make With a Rok Espresso Maker?
The Rok espresso maker is essentially a manual espresso machine. You can make most popular espresso-based beverages, provided you have a way to steam or efficiently froth warm milk. You can make lattes, mochas, flat whites, cappuccinos, iced coffees, and more with the Rok espresso maker.
5. What’s the Best Coffee for the Rok Espresso Maker?
100% arabica coffee is considered the best coffee to use in the Rok espresso maker if you want to craft a traditional brew. However, well-balanced blends like Saigon OG also work well and offer a stronger caffeine hit.
6. What is a Latte?
A latte is an espresso-based brew that combines steamed milk and light microfoam with arabica espresso coffee. It can be made with a single or double shot and is typically served in eight-ounce (240 mL) cups.
7. Can You Make Iced Coffee With Espresso?
Yes. Espresso is the perfect choice for making delicious iced coffee. To make iced coffee with espresso, simply brew a single or double shot and pour over ice. Add milk and sugar to taste, stir, and enjoy.
8. What’s the Difference Between Arabica and Robusta?
Arabica and robusta are two types of coffee beans that are harvested from two different species — Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta. Arabica beans produce a smooth, sweet, moderately caffeinated cup of coffee. Robusta beans produce a dark, bitter, highly caffeinated cup of coffee.
9. Can You Make Espresso Without a Machine?
You don't need an expensive coffee machine to make concentrated shots of coffee with espresso-like qualities. The Rok espresso maker is capable of making espresso, and the classic moka pot and Aeropress machine make similar brews. You can also buy instant espresso to make a concentrated espresso-like beverage with nothing more than a kettle.
10. What’s the Strongest Type of Coffee?
The strongest type of coffee bean is robusta. These beans produce around twice the amount of caffeine as arabica beans. Ristretto — a more concentrated espresso shot — produces the strongest brew. Using robusta beans to make ristretto will produce the strongest cup of coffee. However, it may not taste particularly pleasant.